Pocket Cowcard for Android: Device Specifications

Depending on the number of animal records you’ll need to process using Pocket CowCard, you may have different technical needs. Please see the device specifications below recommended for optimum performance, grouped by herd size range. 

1000 records or less

1000 to 5000 records

More than 5000 records

Android Version 13.0, 14.0 & 15.0

Android Version 13.0, 14.0 & 15.0

Android 13.0, 14.0 & 15.0

WiFi and/or Ethernet Support

WiFi and/or Ethernet Support

WiFi and/or Ethernet Support

Micro SD Card (8GB or more)

Micro SD Card (16GB or more)

Micro SD Card (32GB or more)

Bluetooth Enabled

(Wand/Speaker Communication)

Bluetooth Enabled

(Wand/Speaker Communication)

Bluetooth Enabled

(Wand/Speaker Communication)

3GB of RAM or higher

4GB of RAM or higher

6GB of RAM or higher

Qualcomm Snapdragon

DUAL CORE or higher processor

Qualcomm Snapdragon

QUAD CORE or higher processor

Qualcomm Snapdragon

OCTA CORE or higher processor

To better determine which app and devices best support your operation’s size and workflow, please speak with your Farm Performance Consultant.


Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.


Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.


Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.

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