milkrite | InterPuls MyFarm Integration: DairyComp

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The integration between MyFarm and DairyComp allows our customers to move forward to the next step, adding the possibility for milkrite | InterPuls customers to improve their farm management through DairyComp and for the DairyComp users to be able to use the new iMilk600 and iMilkNano systems for a unique milking experience.

  • Automatically imports milk data and removes the need for users to perform double entry in the DairyComp and milkrite | InterPuls systems.
  • Milkrite | InterPuls creates an export file of milking data into a folder on the users’ local computer; DairyComp uses a scheduled task to retrieve and load the data.
  • DairyComp uses its current interface with the NEDAP Taurus system to exchange data that milkrite | InterPuls uses to retrieve information.
milkrite | InterPuls

milkrite | InterPuls is a global leader in dairy technology, providing complete milking point solutions to dairy farmers across the world to improve every farm it touches. At milkrite | InterPuls, we support both businesses and farmers with innovative products, services and continuous training activities.

Together, with exceptional research and development, we are building the farm of the future. You will find our products and services all over the world through a well-developed growing network of distributors and technical dealers.

Want more information on milkrite | InterPuls and the fantastic product range they offer? Visit for more information on how they can improve your farm today!

VAS – At the heart of your dairy

VAS is the global market leader in dairy management software and consulting services. An innovative technology company, VAS provides on-premise and cloud solutions, business intelligence, analytics and integrations to efficiently manage dairy operations. Every day VAS is transforming dairy operations with connected technology, intelligence and analytics that enhance the profitability of producers around the world. To learn more about VAS visit our about page.


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Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.


Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.

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