What you need to know before investing in new dairy technology

Choosing technology to implement on your dairy can be intimidating. A plethora of questions and concerns surface. Where do I start? What dairy technology should I implement next? How do I know my team is ready for a technology upgrade?

The best thing to do before making a technology investment is to ask yourself one simple question: “What would make life better for my cows, my team and myself?”

Your answers will guide your next steps. Better yet, bring this question to your trusted advisors like your veterinarian and nutritionist.

  • Ask for feedback on which technologies will help save your team time and increase efficiencies.
  • Listen to observations from these advisors and other farms they visit to learn more about what works well and why.
  • Don’t forget to bring data to the center of your decision-making process.

By diving into your data, and leaning on expert advice, you can start identifying your dairy’s problem areas to gain a better understanding of how a specific technology can function on your farm.

Keep cows top of mind when considering an investment. Your technology choices – and subsequent upgrades – should help minimize the time cows need to be interrupted for people to do their work.

See which features you should be seeking out when considering new dairy technology by visiting the full article by Hoard’s Dairyman: Things to consider when choosing new technologies


Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.


Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.


Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.

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