How DairyComp and VAS PULSE Platform Can Help Get the Most Out of Your Embryo Transfer Program

Are you using embryo transfer on your dairy? While it’s a powerful tool to accelerate genetic progress, managing an embryo transfer program can be complex and time-consuming.

With DairyComp’s unique customization and flexibility and VAS PULSE Platform’s embryo inventory module, you can streamline your program, simplify workflows and get the most from your investment.

Identifying and tracking recipient animals

While donors produce the embryos, recipients are responsible for bringing your investment to life. Therefore, recipient candidates must be in optimal health and meet specific criteria.  

DairyComp’s robust reporting allows you to easily identify and track recipient animals. For example, you can set parameters to sort out the best fits for your pool of recipients based on age, number of lactations, stage in lactation, performance and other criteria. If a recipient animal doesn’t qualify for an embryo on transfer day, you can also denote that in DairyComp using the NORECIP event and recording the kick-out reason in the remarks.  

Managing your embryo inventory

VAS PULSE Platform provides a central location to manage your embryo inventory. Add fresh or frozen embryos ahead of time to bring more efficiency and data accessibility to your workflow on transfer day.

In PULSE Platform, add multiple embryos from a flush or IVF using the sire NAAB code, Donor ID or registration number, breeding code and frozen date for frozen embryos.

In addition to the required information mentioned above, you can also manage the following data for each embryo in PULSE Platform:

  • Type (flush vs. IVF)

  • Embryo breed

  • Storage (straw vs. vial)

  • Tank

  • Incubator 
  • Embryo stage 
  • Embryo grade 

Recording embryo transfers cowside

VAS realizes all data entry isn’t done from behind a desk. That’s why recording the transfer event on the day of transfer can be done cowside, simplifying the recording process and saving your team valuable time. View, edit and enter transfer events right from the VAS PULSE Platform app or the web browser on your mobile device. VAS PULSE Platform makes recording transfers simple, yet thorough – see how in the demonstration below.

After entering and processing the event in VAS PULSE Platform, your transfers will be visible to you and your entire management team in VAS PULSE Platform and synced to DairyComp so you have full access to analyze your data anytime, anywhere, any way you want.

Ready to start leveraging DairyComp and VAS PULSE Platform to manage your embryo program? Tune into our recent webinar, Maximizing Your Embryo Transfer Program with Trans Ova and VAS, to learn how to set up DairyComp and VAS PULSE Platform for embryo management, or reach out to VAS Support for additional assistance and questions.  


Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.


Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.


Explore the possibilities for your operation. Find out how VAS can help.

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