Delivery and Inventory
Tracking Made Easy

With WeighComp, track and manage all inventory that crosses your dairy’s scale for improved efficiency during harvest season and year-round.

Accurate, Stress-free Shipments and Deliveries


WeighComp simplifies the process of transaction management, saving you time, while giving you the power to better manage inventory and track shipments with ease ­­in VAS Pulse Platform.

  • Your greatest expense shouldn’t be a mystery –say goodbye to paper records and digitally track every transaction moving across your scale, never missing another load
  • Added level of assurance knowing who is coming on your farm and when
  • Save time! Spend less time entering handwritten transactions, and more time maximizing your ROI.
  • Easily review historical data on deliveries and shipments by vendor, commodity or load.

Simple. Easy. Convenient.

User-friendly interface, seamlessly guides you through entering deliveries


Digital record of every load of feed, milk, cattle manure and more that moves across your scale


Easy-to-use technology seamlessly guides truck drivers to enter transactions on ruggedized hardware


Spend more time tracking dry matter and cost – less time chasing down delivery details and hand-entering transactions


Transaction Management and Feed Inventory Management automatically accessible anywhere, anytime on the VAS PULSE Platform

Connected technology delivers optimized feed management

WeighComp Makes harvest a breeze

  • Track harvest loads from the field digitally
  • Switch between multiple harvests or spot loads
  • View and approve harvests in the VAS PULSE Platform



60% of your cost of production is related to feed –don’t manage it in the dark. With FeedWatch, you can feel confident each dollar you spend on feed is maximized. Plus, it integrates with WeighComp for a seamless inventory management experience.

Complete the form below to speak to a member of our team about WeighComp.

Set your dairy up for success for harvest season.

For a limited time, save big on WeighComp and see improved efficiency and transparency with every load that crosses your scale, during harvest and year-round. 

Set your dairy up for success for harvest season.

For a limited time, save big on WeighComp and see improved efficiency and transparency with every load that crosses your scale, during harvest and year-round. 

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